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Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016 Full OEM Version

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016 is a specific software for 3D technical modeling and engineering. It is an annual release by Autodesk which has got ultimate new features worth upgrading from the previous version as well as worth purchasing the 2016 release of the software.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016 breaks the obstacles and overcomes the challenges a designer commonly faces when creates 3D objects and projects. The 2016 release advances the user experience in the digital design environment enhancing communication of data between you and people for whom you create a project.

What is new in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016?

The 2016 version of the popular software enhances your efficiency in the Multi-CAD environment.

The software has got new technologies for importing files created in other Autodesk products:

  • Now you can use associative import of various CAD data maintaining links to initial files. Thus the geometry will also remain updated to the current changes made to the initial file.

  • Now the software supports selective import thus you can choose only necessary geometric objects to import into your current project. This advances and speeds up the process.

  • In the Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016 multi-thread support has been enabled. This option allows the software to use hardware resources more efficiently. Thus slow downs of the performance are eliminated.

  • The importing option has been revised and simplified. It now ensures clearer choice of objects providing more visibility to a user.

Improved DWG association

  • DWG files are now easily imported into Inventor projects and are easily set as DWG underlays.

  • In this version of the software you can set relationships to details assembly in underlay geometry.

  • Each Inventor project offers DWG geometry tools to create any object you need.

  • 3D DWG technology designs will get updated when 2D linked geometry will be changed in other AutoCAD products.

Improved Shapes creation

The Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016 has got powerful commands and tools to create and edit any shape you need or see for your project:

  • The software now enables you to simply work with closed or open surfaces.

  • To refine shapes you can convert existing models into freedom geometry.

  • Updated and new commands ensure simple and easy creation of offset surfaces, various solids and shell walls.

Improved printing process

Finally the 3D printing environment is realized to its full-fledged scale in the Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016 release. The option lets you to position a detail you need to print on 3D printer in the environment and to place it correctly to avoid costly production mistakes. The detail you place for 3D printing is editable. This means you can apply certain changes right before starting to print. You can use standard printing option provided in the software as well as to send a modified detail to any printing software.

Other improvements have touched upon drawing environment which has become simpler and more intuitive. New users will benefit from improved learning experience. The Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016 offers improved visualization which is essential for any part of design creation.

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  • user
    Stipe H.
    Eindhoven, NL
    Overall rating:

    Having used AutoCAD for two decades now, it's safe to say I'm not moving away from it. I bought the license for the LT version because I still find it the best for 2D technical drawings of any kind. Got the discount and everything, and it's still my go-to software even when I plan on finishing the project elsewhere.

  • user
    , US
    Overall rating:

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  • user
    , US
    Overall rating:

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  • user
    , AU
    Overall rating:

    Of course, the product is quite expensive, but it is still cheaper than the annual subscription. Moreover, as they told me, that now the manufacturer sell only them, so I was lucky to find the box for my working needs! I am very happy.

  • user
    , US
    Overall rating:

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